Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cut and paste the list below into a word document.  Save the document your name, then "grammar". Then click on the link below and fill out each section using your OWN words and examples.  You will be asked to present on one next class, but you won't know which one until next class!

Accept vs Except
Addition vs Edition
Affect vs Effect
Amused vs Bemused
Apostrophe s
Assure Ensure Insure
Bi- vs Semi-
Borrow, Lend, Loan
e.g. vs i.e.
Either and Neither
Everyday vs Every day
Farther vs Further
Fewer vs Less
Good vs Well
Hers vs Her's
I vs Me
I before E
If I would have...
Its vs It's
Lay vs Lie
Loose vs Lose
Me vs Myself s
Ours vs Our's
Spelling (do only "Dropping the E")
Than vs Then
Their, There, They're
Theirs vs Their's
To Too Two
Weather vs Whether
Who vs Whom
Who's vs Whose
Your vs You're
Yours vs Your's

Friday, October 14, 2011

Look up the following:
Gone with the wind
Invisible man (book)
Ole miss. -- James Meredith
Robert E. Lee

Monday, October 3, 2011

Do errors and corrections for your TKMB paragraph that you got back today. Due next class.